A     B U S I N E S S      T H A T     R U N S     I N     T H E   F A M I L Y

BEZISA is brand, born out of love for my children. Inspiring them to love, be passionate and to chase their dreams. Creating, designing whilst caring. I want to show them that you can create anything from nothing and that trial and error is a part of a journey and experience that may be enjoyed. But most of all that there is more than work, choices, online worlds and luxury.. which is each other.

T H E   I D E A

Everything you see is inspired by nature. The materials, the colors and shapes. I love design. Tight shapes and perfection. The love for people and nature should be sensed. The emergence of my design took a while. They needed their time. Only the best materials are good enough.

In nature people find peace. This is what I want to achieve with my designs for our little ones. In a world where everything is for sale and where you get overstimulated on a daily base, I like to offer something that incitements to take a moment to sit back and connect with your loved ones.  Take the time to observe, discover and enjoy listening to the serene sound of the wooden elements.


A T    T H I S   M O M E N T

BEZISA runs by all the ladies and gentlemen that help with the production. Handicraft is an art and something in this economical world we almost seem to forget how beautiful and valuable it can be.

We have our own team with talented ladies which is supported by Ferm Werk; a local organisation that guides people who have a distance from the job market caused by mental health issues.

We also work with Booghgoed. Parts of the production takes place here and is done only by people who suffer from braindamage as a result of an accident or an disease / disorder developed later in life. Most of them are semy-paralyzed. They offer guidance, treatment, training and reintegration after life changing accidents.

At both places people develop skills to participate in society

BEZISA has been growing very fast. I started from the kitchen table, then we moved to a bigger house and got my own workspace.  to the biggest room in a new house. In January 2019 we got the opportunity to move to an old schoolbuilding close to my home. I happily took all the stuff out of my house that had turned in to a little factory, crushing though my family life.

From a hobby into a nice sustainable and ethical business. #proud

We are always developing and looking forward. Curious? Don't be shy and send us an email for every chitchat.







Groet / cheers / tschüss / ciao,

                              Janneke & co